Indications: Nervous asthma accompanied by cough, gasping irregular pulse, asthma with troublesome flatulence or spasm and convulsive tickling cough; bronchial asthma with yellow sputum worse in evening and warm rooms better in cold air.


Patients with bronchial asthma suffer attacks of wheezing and difficulty in breathing, due to bronchial spasm and sticky secretions. The cause of the disease is complex, and in most patients several factors contribute to its development.

  1. Heredity: When asthma starts in childhood or adolescence there is more likely to be a family history of an allergic disorder, such as hay fever, asthma or urticaria. Migraine in a parent is common. Bioplasgen/Biocombination 2 is known to improve the capacity to fight allergens.

  1. Allergy: There are a large number of substances to which the asthmatic may become allergic. They may be inhaled from the atmosphere or absorbed from the gut. Common examples are pollen and spores from plants, moulds, animal hair, face powder, and dandruff. Food-stuffs are less often to blame, but eggs, milk, curd, fish, certain fruits i.e. banana, and chocolate may induce attacks. As far as possible these items should be avoided during medication.

  1. Infection: When asthma starts later in life it often appears to be complicated by chronic bronchitis. Respiratory tract infections, however, often precipitate asthma in asthmatic patients in whom allergy is also much in evidence. Natrum sulphuricum an ingredient of Bioplasgen/Biocombination 2 takes care to great extent the effects of infection.

  1. Reflex Factors: The bronchi are supplied by the vagus nerve, and various stimuli may induce attacks by a reflex mechanism. Common examples are sudden exposure to cold air, laughing, severe exertion, and heavy meals. It is taken care by Magnesium a constituent in the formulation.

  1. Psychological Influences: It plays some part in every asthmatic and quite often they appear to be mainly responsible. Anxieties of various kinds, a sense of frustration or discord, tension in the home are often the causes of maintaining it. Treatment is not likely to be satisfactory unless these influences are also taken care during medication. Kalium phosphoricum of Bioplasgen/Biocombination 2 takes care of such influences.

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